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The speech contest entitled “HOdo - Deep Gratitude” has completed successfully

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HOdo’sMagpie Festival: for all the lovers

On August 20, “HOdo - Deep Gratitude:The 4th speech contest on looking for the most beautiful love story” as organized by Jiangsu HOdo Industrial Co., Ltd. completed successfully.  

At around 2pm., the speech contest opened with a beautiful song - A Grateful Heart. After the compere’s affectionate opening remarks, the 4th speech contest on looking for the most beautiful love story started.      

First of all, the contest announced the list of winners for the essays on looking for the most beautiful love story of the fourth season and awards were also granted to winners for the seven loves. Winners of the Award of Gratitude for parental love, conjugal love, and compatriot love were from different regions of China and shared their story of gratitude and love with the audience. The heart-warming stories and sincere wishes of these winners upsurged the live atmosphere and the audience were deeply moved and brimmed with tears. 


The live sand painting entitled Love of a Life was performed at the contest and left the audience a fresh impression. And gratitude and love had been conveyed in a modern and fashionable manner. Additionally, the micro film entitled Beautiful HOdo and Happy HOdo as produced by the company’s employee was shown during the activity for the first time, which had won the high reputation of all the audience. 

The stage for award presentation is not only for the grand ceremony of awarding the winners of the essay competition, but also for the final of the speech contest entitled HOdo - Deep Gratitude. While holding the large activity on soliciting essays concerning looking for the most beautiful love story of the fourth season, Jiangsu HOdo Industrial Co., Ltd. also organized a speech contest entitled HOdo - Deep Gratitude among employees of HOdo Stock. After around one month’s preliminary contest, ten contestants were chosen from 100 competitors. During the final, all the contestants gave a full expression to their stories of gratitude, such as Wait for Me for Two Centuries Outside the ICU and You Are in My Heart, which were most touching. These stories reflected different lives, but what they have in common is that they tell the truth of a world through relaxing, humorous or touching stories, that is, gratitude is the highest virtue. The contestants’ wonderful performance was responded by the audience’s bursts of applause. Finally, Hu Dashuai from HOdo Stock Chain No. 2 Corporation won the first place and became the champion of the 4th speech contest “HOdo - Deep Gratitude”. 

The contestants gave play to their styles and levels, and the competition displayed the new look of the staff of HOdo, thus allowing a series of activities entitled “HOdo - Deep Gratitude” to end successfully and passing on HOdo’s deep gratitude continuously. All the HOdo people share the permanent belief that as long as you are member of HOdo and have a thankful heart, every single ordinary person has involved in the wonderful chapter “beautiful HOdo, happy HOdo” at one moment. 

HOdo displays tangible affection and affection shows an intangible HOdo. HOdo’s culture of affection has been embodied throughout the development of HOdo’s corporate culture. Through constant exploration and based on its actual condition, HOdo sublimated its affection to more concrete “gratitude” during the 16th Magpie Festival of HOdo. The company embedded HOdo’s affection in the minds of each one of its staff members by organizing series of activities centering on gratitude. In this way, all the staff will have an emotional resonance with the enterprise and will let it influence the whole society with its positive energy.   
