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    HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

    Zhou Haijiang is rated as excellent entrepreneur of Jiangsu

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    On April 8, Jiangsu provincial Party committee and provincial government held the work meeting on promotion of structural reform on supply throughout Jiangsu Province and conducted in-depth implementation on the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and on the spirit of the central and provincial economic working conference. During the meeting, Zhou Haijiang, vice chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and board co-chairman of HOdo Group, among many others, were rated as excellent entrepreneur of Jiangsu Province. 

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    By entering the mobile resale field, Zhou Haijiang established the first telecom company in China. Application of the mobile internet technology not only facilitates HOdo in achieving the integration of “two based”, but also helps  the textile and garment enterprises in Jiangsu and the textile and garment enterprises of China to create value in an effort to contribute to the deep integration of industrialization and informatization of the same realm and to explore the successful experience in integrating two based for industrial Internet.  


    Zhou also worked out the strategy of “intelligent HOdo” to achieve rapid transformation toward mobile internet and Internet of Things. At the crucial moment when structural reform on supply is promoted nationwide, Zhou had, on many occasions, called on the State to lay high stress on further support to independent brands. Only when a great many independent brands are owned can China be respected throughout the world. Only when a large number of independent brands are owned can we control the economic initiative, for independent brands will play a primary role in industrial chains. Meanwhile, independent brands are the edge tool for Chinese enterprises to participate in international competition. Markets are divided by brands, international markets are divided by international brands, and domestic markets are jointly divided by Chinese brands and international brands. If China ever wants to participate in the division of international market, it must have a large number of independent brands.     
