1. 尊龙凯时[中国区] 官方网站

      HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

      HOdo’s 12th“potential tapping month” is going on in a deep level

      Published in:

      HOdo embraced its 12th“potential tapping month” in March. Revolving around the work arrangement featuring “intelligence-based, greenization, service-based, high end, internationalization and securitization”, the entire Group had been deeply involved in raising efficiency by tapping potential. So a great many accomplishments on potential tapping could be made every day.



      Against the backdrop of the complex and severe international environment, outstanding deep-seated problems in China and mounting pressure from economic downturn, how to develop in a healthy way and improve competitiveness for enterprises is of great importance. For HOdo, it continues the “potential tapping month” activity in March. HOdo’s unremitting effort in tapping potential is aimed at allowing HOdo to remain healthy and full of vitality. According to the introduction of related responsible person of the Group’s Enterprise Management Department, this activity includes four aspects, that is, great importance shall be attached on TOC management (bottleneck management), performance assessment, six costs and soliciting reasonable advice.    
