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HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

HOdo was selected as the

Published in: 2020-12-09

The Sixth China Brand Forum, sponsored by the People's Daily, was held in Beijing on December 8. More than 300 representatives from the government, enterprises and research institutions participated in comprehensive, multi-field and high-level dialogues with the theme of "China's Confident Brand Power." At the forum, Zhou Haijiang, the party secretary and chairman of the board of directors of HOdo Group, shared the experience of building a high-quality brand and HOdo brand with "three major supportings" in his keynote speech. In addition, HOdo was selected by People's Daily as the "2020 China Corporate Social Responsibility Case" at the forum.

The market economy is the brand division of the market, in the double cycle of the new development pattern, more urgent need for a high-quality brand and high-quality brand formation. In his speech,  Zhou Haijiangelaborated on three pillars to building a high-quality brand, including high technology content, high cultural content and high social responsibility.

As for High - tech content pillar,  Zhou Haijiangbelieves that half of a brand is technology. HOdo is promoting the construction of "Five 'One Flow,'" that is, pay attention to talent, platform, investment, product, mechanism, by means of production, learning, research and application, speed up the development of new products; HOdo is also speeding up the construction of "Intelligent HOdo," creating "one platform" and "one ecosystem." By accomplishing the integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industry to build a world-class brand. HOdo also speeds up the construction of scientific research sites, has been applied for more than 3000 national patents.

As for High cultural content pillars, the other half of a brand is culture, says Mr. Zhou. On the one hand, HOdo takes root in traditional culture, forming HOdo culture with sentiment as the core; on the other hand, HOdo Qixi Day is created to enrich HOdo culture. In the brand aspect, HOdo has "HOdo," "Chollima," and "HODO," three well-known trademarks in China; they are the "National trademark strategic implementation demonstration enterprise."

Finally,  Zhou Haijiangsaid that a high degree of social responsibility of a company would win the market and reputation regarding the High social responsibility pillar. HOdo will support the brand with high social responsibility through the enterprise's development, internal and social positioning. HOdo Group has always adhered to the concept of "win-win from all directions" and has been supported by all walks of life, making HOdo brand truly rooted in people's hearts.
