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HOdo Epaper Chinese | English

The typical experience of the team construction of the new generation of workers in the group has been well received

Published in: 2019-09-20

The promotion meeting of the pilot work of the construction of the industrial workers in the province was held in HOdo


On September 19th, the pilot work site promotion meeting of province's textile industry industrial workers team reform and pilot work site promotion meeting of province's non-public enterprises industrial workers team reform were held in HOdo Group. More than 180 participants including the member units of the Provincial Industrial Workers' Team Construction Reform Conference and the party group secretary of each district and city federation. Zhu Jinsong, Party Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, and director of the joint conference office of Jiangsu industrial workers' team construction reform in the new era, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhou Haijiang, Party Secretary of the HOdo Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO, gave a typical experience report as a representative of the pilot enterprise of provincial industrial workers reform. Guo Junwei, the chief of the technical department of HOdo Professional Wear Company Shirt Factory, shared the growth experience as a representative of the outstanding industrial workers.

Before the meeting, the participants visited the Party Building and Workers' House of HOdo Group. The HOdo Group impressed everyone with the practical results of the “four castings and four projects” project to cultivate the team of industrial workers in the new era. The typical experience of the construction of the "training points system", "star employees to go to university", "competition for posts", "workshop echo wall", "rationalization proposals" has been widely praised.
