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    General Science Technology’s Quality Team has been honored as “China’s Excellent Quality Management Team in 2016”

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            The 38th National Quality Management Team Delegate Conference was held in Jiangxing on Sep,21st and Sep,22nd. The conference themed with “Improve Quality and Pursuit Perfection” is one of the important programs of the quality community activities in the Quality Month of China. 1400 delegates from various areas including Hongkong etc. and industries attended the meeting. 


            During the meeting, the delegates summarized the achievements made by the national quality management team during the past year and laid out the work plan and requirements of the next step. In addition, the attendees shared the experiences and the best practices of China’s excellent QC team, the first-class enterprises, and outstanding leaders and propellers. 


    Before the meeting, The article “Reduce the Failure Rate of the Joints of Two-drum Tire Body” prepared by Hu Guangjie QC team of General Science Technology has been award with the First Prize and the team was horned as China’s Excellent Quality Management Team by the 35th Achievements Publication and Communication Conference for the QC Management Teams of China’s Petroleum and Chemical Industry. During this meeting, the article was praised and the team was honored as China Excellent Quality Management Team in 2016. This award symbolizes the company’s QC team activities have entered into a new stage.


    The famous Chinese saying says “when one thousand people are united, the team strength is the strength of one thousand people; when ten thousand people fight each other, the total strength is zero. “ General Science Technology has been equipped with many QC teams working hard in production lines. Hu Guangjie team, founded in 2009, is one of the QC teams that have longest working years in the company. The members of the team come from different work positions utilize scientific quality management tools to solve the problems they found and carry out research, analysis and continuous improvement. In this way, the company encourages its employees to find solutions through practice and contribute to the company with their wisdom and hard working.


    By far, General Science Technology has held thirteen QC achievement publication meetings successfully, registered total 480 topics during 7 years and saved the cost of more than 30 million. Centered on human beings, driven by innovation and aim at pursuing perfection, the QC teams of General Science Technology endeavor to promote quality improvement, reduce consumption, optimize service, establish a set of complete and standardized innovation and improvement implementation system which integrates the top management with production line employees, fully utilize employees’ wisdom, and lay a solid foundation for quality management and the improvement of the company’s core competitiveness.
