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    HOdo’sworkshop for western-style clothes carries out in-depth outstanding performance management

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    September is the 12th Technology Quality Month of HOdo. Outstanding performance management is one of the major tasks of this quality month and management of production plant is one of the tasks for outstanding performance management that has been promoting by the Group all the time.


    The production building for HOdo’s workshop of western-style clothes is the largest workshop for producing western-style clothes in Asia and is equipped with the world’s first-rate devices. On April 29, 2016, the workshop of western-style clothes of Jiangsu HOdo Industrial Co., Ltd. was rated as “national vanguard of worker”. The company is one of the two collectives that has been awarded this title in Jiansu and is the only collective in Wuxi that has won this distinction. HOdo’s workshop of western-style clothes which is oriented to study and innovation has been awarded such distinctions as “vanguard of workers of Xishan District in Wuxi”, “vanguard of workers in Wuxi”, and “vanguard of workers in Jiangsu”. Besides, it has become a model factory for other outsourcing companies.


    Vigorously exercise the model of outstanding performance management and continuous management

    In 2009, HOdo Group introduced the outstanding performance management officially. The workshop of western-style clothes, as a model factory, integrated the outstanding performance management model into production management in an all-round way.   


    Enhance the 5S and visual management

    Effective management is to set method and appoint responsibilities to specific personnel. All the HOdo workshops of western-style clothes have divided area and appoint a responsible person to implement the 5S management.All the responsible person shall be in charge of supervising the sanitation of the onsite area. After the 5S is implemented, it is necessary to exercise effective monitoring. The company will irregularly inspect the 5S of the workshop on a weekly basis and will notify the problems being found before rectified by related responsible person for 5S. In the meantime, the production site shall be managed in strict accordance with the visual standards. So far, 25 visual standards and 27 single-point standards have been established at the production site. In addition, there are three bulletin boards in the workshop of western-style clothes, and the bulletin boards for outstanding performance will announce the improvements in management in the process of production. The bulletin board for quality management will show the quality issues of the current month and the excellent improvement measures. Furthermore, the echo wall embodies staff management. 

    Raise scientific and technological innovation capacity and control the innovation of “minor reforms”

    For years, HOdo’s workshops of western-style clothes have kept introducing high-end facilities and paid high attention to the improvement and innovation of equipment and process technology. Our workshops of western-style clothes are equipped with Sweden’s ETON garment hanging and production management system, France’s CAM automatic cutting system and other first-rate equipment technologies of the world. In addition to foreign trade business, we have been offering customized clothes to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and high court of the State. While constantly introducing advanced equipment, HOdo lays great store by the maintenance of devices and has particularly formulated a maintenance management plan.  


    Adhere to honest management and heighten the staff’s quality awareness

    Higher product quality lies in the improvement of the staff’s quality awareness. The workshops not only actively carried out the Quality Month activity in September, but also attached great importance to and strictly controlled quality supervision and management at ordinary times. HOdo’s workshops of western-style clothes have been publicizing and offering training on quality-related knowledge and related laws and regulations to quality supervision and inspection personnel on an irregular basis. At the same time, the workshops will hold a quality analysis meeting every week and the work team will hold a pre-work quality meeting every day, which is directed at achieving implementation level by level and to every point and personnel. After implementing such basic factor as “person”, we have further improved the quality responsibility system, quality assessment system, detailed rules on implementation of quality assessment as well as quality management education and training system. 

    Stress talent cultivation and raise team cohesion

    HOdo’s workshops of western-style clothes exercise star employee system and stimulates the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of workers at the production line. Assessment of star employees is an incentive mechanism that has been established by HOdo in an early stage. In HOdo’s workshops of western-style clothes, each employee can take part in the assessment of “star employees”. Star employee is the basic condition for winning reward and being promoted as backbone and cultivated for joining the CPC. Star employees have come into three levels: the three-star employees can go to college without charge and with full pay; workshop leaders and directors, inspectors and other management staff have been selected from three-star employees. While offering economic subsidy and raising salary for employees, HOdo announced the star employees to the publicity column to raise their sense of glory. The company has worked to contribute to the development of workers at the production line by assessing “star employees” and choosing three-star employees to HOdo University to receive training on production, management and other professional knowledge.   


    Since 1995, HOdo has been selecting employees for college education. The company strives to create an environment in which personnel selection and appointment can be carried out fairly. In this way, our personnel will be able to be offered post according to their abilities and to obtain high salary through performance. Besides, all the necessary conditions will be provided for the growth of our employees. Operators of the workshops of western-style clothes can have a maximum monthly salary of 8,000 Yuan. Skilled workers can have an annual pay of over 40,000 Yuan. In recent years, the production management training course targeted at three-star employees at production line, HOdo’s junior college class and HOdo’s shop manager class helped to offer channel for promotion to grass-roots employees. The training programs not only raise the skills of employees and allow many employees to win the first and second place in national competitions, but also have selected a large number of outstanding talents for the enterprise.   
